As you recover, it increases with enough recovery it will eventually return to Peak Power.

MPA starts at your Peak Power and as you fatigue, it declines. Maximal Power Available (MPA): the maximum power you can generate at any given moment during exercise.Peak Power (PP): your highest possible 5-second power when not fatigued.Similar in many ways to W’ and Anaerobic Work Capacity (AWC). High Intensity Energy (HIE): the amount of energy or work capacity you have above Threshold Power (TP).Similar to Maximal Lactate Steady State (MLSS) and Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Threshold Power (TP): the highest power that can be sustained without accumulating short-term fatigue.Fitness Signature: A multi-parameter representation of your fitness, made up of three metrics:.Some of it is similar to other concepts in the world of training with power, whilst others are entirely new.

➤➤ Click here for a more complete list of features.Īs an industry-first, Xert uses some unique terminology. It offers apps & Garmin datafields to present live performance feedback whether your doing an interval, in the middle of a race, or just riding with friends.It makes sense of all your activities to help you understand how they will fit into your training plan.It can be used indoors and outdoors, riding or running (with a run power meter).It creates a multi-parameter view of your fitness (see Fitness Signature under Key Terms).Training advice, workouts, performance metrics, and more, dynamically adjust every day, every hour, and every second (e.g. Just upload your data and Xert tells you when you’re improving and by how much, automatically. It tracks changes in your fitness without requiring testing.Some of the features that separate Xert from others platforms include:

Xert is the first platform of its kind, allowing a relative novice to self-coach, or an expert to coach others.